Friday, April 17, 2009


Just an FYI:

I re-signed with Mary Kay, so if anyone is desperate for their favorite foundation, mascara, cleanser, etc., let me know!! We'll get you fixed up! I also have samples of the new mineral eye, cheek, and bronzing colors.

Also, if anyone wants to play and have a class, let me know as well. This product is so much fun; I could buy 1 of everything!!! (I am a Dunning girl, after all). I'm not much of a make-up artist, but I love to play with products!!!!

Here is a link to the Mary Kay website. The new catalog is awesome.

So buy yourself something. You totally deserve it.
And yes, my mother-in-law did have something to do with this. ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you're so cute, Sissy. i wish you all the best in your business endeavors! y