Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ode to SBU

I've been doing alot of reflecting lately.

Graduation is almost here-for Ryan, only about 1 week-and a new blank page starts for us.

I can't help but to be overwhelmed, scared, excited, anxious about the future. So I've been pondering, reflecting, trying to gather my thoughts and emotions into something that somehow makes sense.

I always prefer to know where I'm going, what the next step will be. For me, I've accomplished this by letting Ryan make the decisions and following. (Don't make me make the decision, but let me happily follow....well, usually...Can I get an "Amen," wives?!!)

But now it seems it's my turn to take the first step, and that's got me a bit exasperated. I am presented with an endless sea of options, but I am that person who doesn't want to make the decision for fear I'll make the wrong decision.

SBU has ended its chapter in our lives, and I find myself struggling with the reality that it will soon all be over. SBU-our friends, the basketball games, Homecoming, bonfires, chapel, the teachers, Wheeler Science Center, the black squirrels on the sidewalk clenching acorns in their tiny fists, the community-everything that makes this place so special and close to my heart-will cease. Granted, the memories will stay with me forever, but I'll never have this time back.

Last night, I went to the SHANE and SHANE Christmas concert (awesome-look them up) at SBU, and I once again found myself pondering, reminiscing about my time at SBU. Had I taken it all for granted?

Growing up in a Christian home, a Christian school, the Church had left me determined to live beyond the "bubble," to never become the legalistic, judgmental, self-righteous, hypocritical "Christian" I had so many a time run into and myself been. And then I found myself at SBU, Southwest Baptist University. Great, here we go again....

I can honestly attribute who I am today to SBU. I know we all change with the seasons in our lives, but something about me will always be becasue of SBU. I saw the side of Christianity here that I wanted to be a part of (Yes, I saw the other side too....stay away from Redford majors....), and I was impacted in a refreshing way. I am still seeking, trying to figure out life (Who EVER does???!!), trying to put the pieces together in a way I can know is on the right path.

I've made mistakes here; I've grown; I've learned from my experiences. So I know although this chapter-SBU-has been written, it's pages are written on my heart.

I know things change; I will change. But realizing how powerful this experience at SBU has been only leaves me grateful and hopeful for the future orchestrated ahead.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Life of an Auntie

In the past two years, Ryan and I's siblings have been very busy. So busy that we are now the proud aunt and uncle of four adorable nephews, ranging from age 2 to just a couple of months old. I thought that my blog would be a perfect opportunity to do some auntie bragging. :)

Ryan's oldest brother, Chris, and his wife, Tara, started it all with the birth of our first nephew, Landen. He is now 2 years old and is full of energy and charm. His big, trademark Bilby blue eyes and blonde hair are evidence of his daddy's dominant genes (Sorry to get all biological here, anyways....).


Landen was followed by my oldest sister, Megan, and her husband, Stephen's first baby, Max Bailey. He is almost 2 and is quite the intelligent little human being. He is jabbering new phrases everyday and even managed to call Auntie Erin all by himself once. He is looking more and more like his mommy, and I think he is even starting to resemble his Gramp pa Mustache (my dad), as Max says.


Next, along came Wild Man. Wilder Raine Dunning Harris was born to my second-oldest sister, Mindy, and her husband, Shawn, in August of this year. What a cutie!!! He has GIANT blue eyes, which he inherited from Mindy who, when I was little, used to scare me by bugging out her huge blue eyes! Wilder is a very alert baby and loves anything that has to do with flashing lights (He never tries to watch tv....hehe). He also must tolerate extreme mangling sessions from his mommy and aunties. EEEEEEEE!


Finally, but definitely probably not the last to come, Chris and Tara just had their second baby, Logan Christopher in November. He is one BIG baby and was the easiest newborn to hold (because he wasn't newborn size! ;) He is very laid back and tolerant of his older brother Landen, even though Landen decided to push Logan off Mommy and Daddy's bed while Mommy was out of the room for one minute......


Being an auntie has been such a delight. Landen, Max, Wilder, and Logan have brought so much fun and happiness to Ryan and I, and we can't wait to be there to watch them grow older and most definitely, SPOIL THEM ROTTEN! After all, they are "practically perfect in every way."

P.s. I don't know how to rotate pics on this thing, so let me know the secret anyone!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Smell Christmas in the Air!!!!

Just thought I'd let everyone know I'm still working on getting up pics, etc. for the blog. School is a little crazy right now, so I haven't had much time to think of it. Hopefully Thanksgiving break will allow me some time to do some things around the house that desperately need done, update the blog, etc...And of course, put up the Christmas tree!!! :) I've already broken out the old faithful Mariah Carey Christmas cd and a bunch of other great oldies...I love how no matter what kind of day I've had, Christmas music can brighten my mood and add a little jingle to my step!:) Fa la la la la! I also am reminded that this is the time of the year to break out Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation. Oh, the many laughs my family has shared watching this movie as one of our many great family traditions! Cue: "Look Kids, a dear!" (My favorite line :) )

Well, I must remind myself that Thanksgiving hasn't even come and gone yet...But I just love the Christmas spirit that is already lingering in the air. So many wonderful family memories revolve around this season, and I can't help but get excited. Again, I must restrain myself from writing so I'll have something to write when Christmas is actually here. But, it just seems to be oozing from my fingertips!!! :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful time celebrating the holidays with their families. What a rejuvinating time to see those that matter most to us in life! May you eat turkey and cheesecake until your pants must be unbuttoned to sit comfortably at the kitchen table, laugh so hard with your family that tears flow and that feeling of "I can't breathe because my stomach feels like it's in my chest" overwhelms you, and finally, that you may be surrounded by the cherished love of those who make the holidays so special. Cheers to the holiday spirit!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hello Blogging World!

I finally decided to create a blog, since it seems to be an easy way to stay connected with friends and family and to keep everyone updated. Please bear with me as I learn to navigate and maneuver my way through this world of blogging. I'm slow to download pics since we don't have internet at home, and I have to do all of my blogging at SBU's library and download with a flash.
Hope everyone is doing well! Can't wait to start corresponding with you!